Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Right Intelligence

The survival of a society or a country lies not on the strength of its people who can defend it but on the will of the people who can defend it.
This will is manifested in strong intelligence and therefore we have CIA, KGB, RAW, ISI etc.
What drives the intelligence operatives to be so ruthless and efficient? What is it that prevents the intelligence to be compromised to rivals? Why it’s not that easy for the KGB to buy a CIA man?
Make no mistake; no intelligence agency hires a person who is super intelligent. Rather it hires just like any other organization does – people with the right skill set that a particular job requires. Of course unquestioned devotion and loyalty weighs heavily among all attributes.
In India most of the people don’t believe in RAW and its capabilities. Even its full expanded name is quite uninteresting. Many don’t even know there is something called RAW but have heard ISI since birth.
The fact that RAW has got a much lower profile in India and abroad gives it a winning edge over its counterpart (rival?) ISI which along with its activities and operations are highly publicized all over the world.
Ex-President Musharraf was not completely lying when he said “Your RAW does exactly what our ISI does”. But he stopped short of saying “But only our ISI ends up getting exposed every time”.
We may not even know (and may never know) but RAW has already been delivering a very high quality of service to our Nation.
Lets not hesitate to say that our Nation has just the Right Intelligence in the form of RAW.

Friday, April 24, 2009


In Dino..
Dil Mera..
Mujhse yeh …
Keh raha.
Khwab saja…”

It cannot get more beautiful than this. The day I can nurture my dreams and see them growing up, the day I start believing in them, will be the day when I will smile forever.

All throughout my life I have seen things happening with me which I never expected or wanted. Still they happened …as if following someone’s writ.
The events in isolation seemed crazy. I kept challenging his writ…asking him "Why? "

He never said anything…he never explained. I never knew that the explanation of everything that had or that is happening to me is with the one who has always been there witnessing my pain and my joy – the Time.

How else would I accept seemingly unfriendly and hostile incidents of my life as the very reasons of my happiness and my being a better person than what I could have possibly been without them.

Time has made me realize that whatever has happened to me has happened for a reason. I really cannot say why did I have to go through misfortune to attain fortune. Perhaps it is his way of making me learn to cherish my good fortunes.

I have now that small confidence which I had always lacked to believe in my dreams…for I know whatever may happen…I will sail through…and I will smile... forever.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The other "Me"

Oh! A bad dream again. The sleep was never meant to be a nice one and it couldn’t have gone worse for me. Its 23rd of April – Year 2009. I had to get cleaned up before the regular exercises. But wait a minute… today is Election Day in Bangalore ….and it’s a holiday!!!.

23rd of April – Year 2009 – Somewhere in Bangalore. My bike suddenly skids but I manage to get hold of it and place my feet firmly on the ground. It had been a terrible night for me and I was just returning back from St. John’s Hospital to my house that morning. It had been raining all night. I had to get cleaned up before the regular exercises. But wait a minute… today is Election Day in Bangalore ….and it’s a holiday!!!.

Why do I get a feeling every time that I am not alone? The vast sea of humanity around me didn’t necessarily compel me to think so. Life is a puzzle and more puzzling is this “reality” which hosts my life. I know I hardly have any option other than to accept it. But is it only me? Is it a symptom of being insane?

You know what ….i know…I know that this is just not complete. What I see and what I have understood till now is just one piece of the jigsaw. This crappy feeling of not being the only “Me” has preoccupied most of my thoughts recently.
It all started with a deja-vu when in an intense discussion with a group of friends one of them said “okay lets stop this”. I knew that it was not the only thing he said because I also heard him saying “ok I have to leave now”. He didn’t say these two things together. It was this other “Me” who at the same place and at the same time heard my friend saying “ok I have to leave now” and while I heard him saying “ok lets stop this now”.

Life is too short to understand all this. I have not lost hope. Someday someone will read this one and will be able to connect with me and my experience. And as far as my short term expectations go, I hope for a non coalition government this time in india.